Welcome to the new home of the Drunken Mennonite. Here you will find reflections on all things Mennonite. And cocktail recipes. Oddly enough, no one thought of doing a Mennonite-themed cocktail blog before I came up with the idea (or, if they thought of it, they became too excited and drunken to actually do it).
I started this blog back in October of 2014. I called it the Drunken Mennonite because someone younger than me told me that the only things any good on the internet were drunk people doing things (I think she hadn’t discovered cat videos yet). And because I wanted to do something good, and being Mennonite myself, I realized then and there that I would have to write as a Drunk Mennonite. But, because I fantasize about writing a theme song to the tune of What should we do with a Drunken Sailor? (subbing in Menno for sailor, of course), it had to be “Drunken” instead of “Drunk.”
Right now this site only has a few posts but you can find all the old ones still hanging out at the old homestead. I’ll be gradually bringing the old posts over here in between writing new ones, but in the meantime, you should feel free to visit; they’ll probably be getting lonely. Read the latest post here.